
Incorporating Self-Care Into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating Self-Care Into Your Daily Routine

Taking care of yourself sometimes is not something you can do mostly because you feel like you don’t need it or that you don’t have enough time to indulge yourself in such routine. However, taking care of yourself is important and you will understand why maybe not today or tomorrow but later especially when you are near thirty. You feel like invincible and unstoppable that leads you to think self-care routine is just for the weak. However, there are so many benefits you can get from incorporating self-care into your daily routine.

How to incorporate self-care into daily routine

You might imagine self-care as someone who is in a rob being pampered with various luxurious treatment while sipping a cup of herbal tea. However, self-care for everyone might be different, depending on personal need and preference. The most important thing is to make it a routine, not a task you are obligated to do. Only then you can get the full benefits of self-care routine. 

Before diving into self-care ideas, make sure that you know when and why you need self-care. Then, find out what kind of care do you need or want. Some people might need self-care in a form of simple nap for an hour while others need a thorough bath using special scented soap or something. Meanwhile, there are also those who prefer self-care in a form of reconnecting with the people they are comfortable with. 

Create a routine to start and end the day

Create a routine to start and end the day

This gives a sense of clear purpose in your day by day life. You know when you drink a cup of water in the morning it is the time for you to restart. A restart routine can be anything you have on your mind. You don’t have to follow certain someone’s routine. Do something that make you feel more comfortable. 

Involve your sense when practicing self-care

To optimize your self-care routine, involve your sense, be it smell, sounds, memories, etc. For example, you choose having a cup of warm tea in the evening as a way to practice your self-care routine. You can amplify it by playing relaxing songs from your playlist. Or, you can simply lit a candle with a scent that remind you of happy times or childhood. 

Practice deep breathing

You don’t have to go travelling abroad to practice self-care routine. You can simply stay at home during your day off, practice simple yoga and deep breathing. Or, you can practice deep breathing to start and end your day. Before sleeping, you practice deep breathing for a few minutes to help you relax. And when you wake up, you do it again before starting your day. 

Make a list

You can also list things you want to do to pamper yourself especially for when you experience bad days. Hence, you may not only have one but several options to do. By making a list, you feel like you have something to turn to when you need something to ground you.